Saturday 22 January 2011


Learning media i have learnt that everything has a targeted audience,they are a specific group of people at which the subject or marketing message is aimed at. For Example there are different types of audience :

Mainstream: A large audience that watch or listen to one thing and is calculated by ratings or box office.

Cult: A small, but loyal following of a particular media text.

Subversive: Audience that watch controversial media text that could offend.

Abstract: Media text that have no narrative meaning. understanding is based on audience members ideas.

Alternative: Opposite of mainstream. audience enjoy media texts that are similar to mainstream media texts, but differ in various way.

The audience type which i am looking for would be the cult audience,having realised that the genre 'Horror' is most popular with teenagers,directors and film writer therefore tends to aim it at them. So my film is targeted to teenagers,our film rating would most probably be 15 or 18 because the film would contain a lot of violence,however not as much sexual context. There is a message behind our film, and that is 'women should be careful who they meet online or anywhere in general' our female-teenage audience are who this message are really aimed at because they are the vulnerable once in situation such as this.

Monday 17 January 2011


The 180 degree rule is a very popular rule among directors

The 180 degree rule is a basic guideline in all film making, showing that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship as to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line, therefor breaking the 180 degree rule. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle.

During the interrogation scene between the Joker and Batman in the film 'Dark Knight' Christopher Nolan, the director broke the 180 degree rule,however it worked because i realised when ever the joker is having a conversation with batman or another "good" guy, the camera breaks the 180 degree rule (i think intentionally), to display the disorder of the jokers character, i.e. the breaking of camera rules shows how the joker breaks rules.
Also, in the conversation between the two characters the Joker Say's 'tonight you're gonna break your own rule'. To me, this phrase directly links to the 180 degree rule being broken, making it cleverly fitting to the scene.

Monday 10 January 2011


In this part of my blog titled 'CAMERA SHOTS AND FILM ANALYSIS' I show my skills of analysing both films 'Training Day' and 'Let Me In' and also the key camera shots in the films.
When analysing a film you are to evaluate the good and bad and also give key details about the film.
When talking about camera shots it refers to shots such as

a LONG SHOT placing the character in the setting

                         MID SHOT from waist up


 CLOSE UP little surroundingd higlights the importance of character.
                                            MEDIUM CLOSE UP SHOT            

ExTREME LONG SHOT/ESTABLISHING SHOT usually exterior (outside) shot. 


 ExTREME CLOSE UP                                                                      


CUTAWAY SHOT something other than the subject

                                                        POINT-OF-VIEW SHOT

                           LOW ANGLE SHOT used to make a subject look
 HIGH ANGLE SHOT                                               weaker
used to make a subject look stronger                            


'Training Day' follows Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) who plays L.A.P.D detective, with a question in the audience mind as to whether he is a good or bad cop, he trains rookie cop Jake Hoyt's (Ethan Hawke) first day trying out for a new job on an elite narcotics unit of the LAPD, headed by Alonzo Harris over a day. Jake Hoyt embarks on a long and testing day from hell, he is totally green to the point of maybe being naive, but he is also very pure and honest. Ethical dilemmas arise for Hoyt as well as the audience as questions present themselves as to whether or not Harris' methodology for ridding the streets of South Central Los Angeles of drugs is right or wrong.This leads to a very interesting first day on the job for Hoyt as he tries to figure out whether he's just being tested, or whether Alonzo is really a criminal himself, or is this just the way law enforcement is done at the high levels because,By the end Hoyt's seen more action in one day than most officers experience in a career, including murder, attempted rape, extortion, drug busts, hostage taking and a running gun battle.because the film have so much going on it never allowed itself the time to fully explore the characters headed..... 

his attitude is confident,calm,intimidating ad sarcastic. we could see from the beginning that he is an intellectual man because he reads the newspaper and is a thinker. The costume also known as 'MISE-EN-SCENE' he wears and the image that he portrays shows of an old time gangster because he is dressed in all black, has a long diamond chain on and a do rag.

he is the complete opposite of Alonzo, his trainer for the day, he is anxious, very intimidating by Alonzo.his appearance and the  'MISE-EN-SCENE' used on him shows that he is a very laid back causal person, his costume is a hoodie,a pair of jeans and a with top signifying his purity and that he new and fresh to the job.

we see a lot of high angle shots of the bad guys,which shows their authority over Jake Hoyt.
Wee see close ups of the bad guys,showing the hierarchy of each status.
we see close up of jack so the audience could see hiss reaction as he decides


This is a remake of the movie "Let The Right One In" which was a movie adaptation of a novel. A story of a young boy (Owen) who is constantly bullied at school and a young girl that moves in next door with her caretaker. This girl he meets becomes his only friend (had none before) and teaches him to have the courage to stand up for himself, when he does, the situation changes causing more problems for the boy but she step in and help him with his bullying "problem". It is established that she is a vampire and, after losing her caretaker, must leave in order to survive.and so the boy leaves with her, taking on the roles as her guardian.

Kodi Smit-McPhee as Owen
Owen is the main character from 'Let me in' he is a twelve year old boy and very shy. He dresses causal but his pale skin shows his purity and it could also be a sign of loneliness or unhappiness.The scene where Owen commits to Abby in the movie is very effective,he choose vampires over human when he closes the door during the time Abby is killing him,it may be because he found a friend in a vampire rather than humans,he is also bullied and beaten by humans,so it show he has a negative view of them by the love and friendship he receives from Abby.

Chloe Moretz as Abby
Owen's peculiar neighbor Abbey who is not affected by the bitter cold and only comes out when the sun is down. It may seem as though Abbey is dark and evil but she is not,after being turn a vampire she simply suck blood because that is what she has to do to survive.She is confident but not out spoken because she know that she is different from every one. 

Whenever there is a frame or a scene with both the main characters is was either a two-shot,over the shoulder,close-ups or cut-in shot.
For example the 'do you like me scene, as the two character exchange words we have and over-the shoulder mixed with mid shots.when Abbey run out the shop to vomit on to the snow,we get a long shot because it enabled us to see her from head to toe,placing her in the setting.