Saturday 22 January 2011


Learning media i have learnt that everything has a targeted audience,they are a specific group of people at which the subject or marketing message is aimed at. For Example there are different types of audience :

Mainstream: A large audience that watch or listen to one thing and is calculated by ratings or box office.

Cult: A small, but loyal following of a particular media text.

Subversive: Audience that watch controversial media text that could offend.

Abstract: Media text that have no narrative meaning. understanding is based on audience members ideas.

Alternative: Opposite of mainstream. audience enjoy media texts that are similar to mainstream media texts, but differ in various way.

The audience type which i am looking for would be the cult audience,having realised that the genre 'Horror' is most popular with teenagers,directors and film writer therefore tends to aim it at them. So my film is targeted to teenagers,our film rating would most probably be 15 or 18 because the film would contain a lot of violence,however not as much sexual context. There is a message behind our film, and that is 'women should be careful who they meet online or anywhere in general' our female-teenage audience are who this message are really aimed at because they are the vulnerable once in situation such as this.

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