Damien is banging at Brianna’s door
Brianna: how did you find out where I live?
Damien: I have missed you (calm)
Brianna: you have been following me (looks confused) why?!!
Damien: I love you (still calm)
Brianna: stop it! Just stop following me (screams)
Damien: we need to talk
Brianna: no it’s over, stay away
Damien: no it’s not
Brianna: just leave me alone please
Damien: let me in we need to talk
Brianna: no, leave or I will call the police
Damien: Brianna! Brianna! (Try’s the door Nob) Brianna!!
There is silence
We hear shuttered glass Brianna screams
Brianna: someone help me
Damien: Brianna wait
Brianna: someone help me
Damien: just stop screaming
Brianna: help help me
There is chaos, we hear things being thrown and moved
Damien: why did you make me have to force my self in?
Brianna: aaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh
Damien: ergh ergh (beating up Stacey)
There is silence, Damien has killed Stacey
Neighbour: oi what going on in there…………open up….oii (bangs on the door)
Couple is making a home video
Damien: I love you
Stacey: I love you too
Damien: promise me you will never leave me
Stacey: yeah you will probably kill me if I do (laughs)
Damien: where you going?
Monica: out
Damien: out where
Monica: why can’t you just stop it
Damien: stop what
Monica: suffocating me
Monica walks out the house
Stacey: hi am looking for the science section
Librarian: ok, walk straight down, take a left is on the top shelf
Stacey: thank you
Damien walks close behind Stacey
Damien: are you a science person?
Stacey: yeah kinda (smiles)
Damien: me too (smiles back)
Stacey: there it is (to her self)
Damien: ’the selfish gene’ by Richard Dawkins. I see you’re into the human body. My name is Damien Johnson
Stacey: yeah I am. My name is Stacey Braithwaite
Damien: nice to meet you, you come hear a lot
Stacey: what?
Damien: I mean do you come hear a lot?
Stacey: yeah
Damien: Maybe I will be seeing you often then
Stacey: yeah, and we can talk more about science
Damien: that would be great.
They both walk in different directions. Damien looks back
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